Rincian Cepet:
Panggonan Asal: Jiangsu, China (Mainland)
Jeneng merek: HDF
Nomer Model: DIN933
Standar: DIN
Ketik: Piranti Hardware
Parameter introduction:
1. Grade: monel k500 F51/2205 GH2132/IncoloyA-286 Incoloy 925 Inconel 600/625/718 /725 Monel400/500 Hastelloy c-276
2. Ukuran: M6-100, 1/4 "-4"
3. Standar: DIN 933 931
4. Sertifikasi: ISO9001: 2008
Product Product:
We are a leading exporter of a variety of fasteners such as Anchor Bolt that is available in different designs and sizes depending on the applicable area. These bolts are widely used in heavy machinery installation and widely applauded due to their high load bearing capacity and corrosion resistant quality. Their high strength capabilities and easy to installation quality makes them most suitable for heavy machinery. We offer these fasteners at affordable rates.
We are instrumental in offering a quality range of High Quality Monel K500 Bolts to customers. While manufacturing, our experts do not compromise with the quality of the material to be used. High quality material that is sourced from vendors of high repute us used in the manufacturing process.
Our organization is one of the reputed organizations that supply and wholesale a wide array of Bolts to our valued patrons. These bolts are available in various sizes and lengths to meet the diverse needs of the clients. We offer excellent range of Hex bolts that are being procured from the trustable vendors of the market. These products are rust and corrosion proof.
roduct Name | Bolt jangkar nut stainless steel paling apik kanggo konstruksi konstruksi |
Materi | Nikel Alloy baja, baja stainless |
Werna | padhang |
Bahan | monel k500 |
Merek | HDF |
Utas | kasar, nggoleki |
Digunakake | Industri petrochmical, minyak lan kimia lsp. |
Pengalaman 10 taun ing pengatus aloi khusus
Kanthi luwih saka 10 taun, pengalaman duwe fastener alloy. Minangka produsen aloi teknologi sing dhuwur, bisa ngasilake bolt, kacang, kandang / batang rod, skru miturut standar ASME / ASTM / DIN. Kita duwe macem-macem jinis fastener standar & non-standar digawe saka Hastelloy Alloy, Monel Alloy, Nickel Alloy, Inconel Alloy, Incoloy Alloy, Precipitation Hardenging Steel, Anti-corrosion Alloy, Duplex Stainless Steel, Superalloy, Precision Alloy, Austenitic Stainless Steel.
Supaya fokus, dadi profesional
HDF yakin ing "Fokus & Profesional" lan mesthi setya nyedhiyakake produk sing berkualitas kanggo pelanggan lan layanan sing cukup ditrima kanggo njaluk panjaluk. Adhedhasar ide kasebut, HDF tuwuh saka pabrik cilik menyang perusahaan Internasional sing adol karo macem-macem pelanggan saka Asia, Timur Tengah, Eropa, lan Amérika Kidul liyane, kanthi luwih saka 6 yuta dolar Dolar AS saben taun.
Manajemen diwasa
HDF duwe peralatan majeng lan tim manajemen kelas pertama. Ing luwih saka 10 taun produksi produksi, kita duwe sistem produksi diwasa kanggo pengikat alloy, pengiriman cepet, kontrol kualitas sing apik, pengalaman prodhuksi sugih, lan mitra materi sing apik supaya bisa regane regane lan regane kualitas stabil.
P: Apa sampeyan perusahaan dagang utawa produsen?
A: Kita pabrik.
P: Suwene wektu pangiriman sampeyan?
A: Umumé 5-10 dina yen barang dadi stok. utawa lagi 20-30 dina yen barang ora ana saham, mula miturut jumlah.
P: Apa sampeyan menehi conto? iku gratis utawa ekstra?
A: Ya, kita bisa nawakake conto kanthi gratis nanging ora mbayar biaya pengiriman.
P: Apa syarat pembayaran sampeyan?
A: Pembayaran <= 2000USD, luwih awal 100%. Pembayaran> = 2000USD, 30% T / T luwih dhisik, imbangan sadurunge shippment.
Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon liyane, pls ora hubungi kita kaya ing ngisor iki: